To comprehend about who is all the more intense, let us consider,what sacred texts need to say in regards to it. There are two noteworthy episodes specified in the scriptures,where Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu battled with each other. The person who wins the fight is certainly the most capable. There is no compelling reason to give any individual feeling on this matter. One ought to rather adhere to the specialist of the sacred texts for such topics. I would cite a couple of occurrences.
The first is specified as takes after:
1)Valmiki ramayana,bala khanda 1.75
तदा तु देवताः सर्वाः पृच्छन्ति स्म पितामहम् || १-७५-१४
शिति कण्ठस्य विष्णोः च बल अबल निरीक्षया |
अभिप्रायम् तु विज्ञाय देवतानाम् पितामहः || १-७५-१५
विरोधम् जनयामास तयोः सत्यवताम् वरः |
""When, every one of the divine beings were asking the Grandparent, Brahma, with respect to who is effective and who is less capable among the blue-throated Shiva and Vishnu... yet, the Grandparent Brahma on gathering the goal of divine beings begun to make difficulty among those two, Shiva and Vishnu, for the Grandparent is the best adherer of honesty, as truth can't be exhibited on gossip prove"
विरोधे तु महत् युद्धम् अभवत् रोम हर्षणम् || १-७५-१६
शिति कण्ठस्य विष्णोः च परस्पर जय एषिणोः |
"Inferable from their hostility at that point happened a furious and hair-raising war among Shiva and Vishnu, as each aimed triumph for himself"
तदा तु जृम्भितम् शैवम् धनुः भीम पराक्रमम् || १-७५-१७
हुम् कारेण महादेवः स्तम्भितो अथ त्रिलोचनः |
"By the "murmur" sound of Vishnu that ruinously overwhelming longbow of Shiva is broken, and the triple-looked at God, Mahadeva, is solidified"
देवैः तदा समागंय स ऋषि सन्घैः स चारणैः || १-७५-१८
याचितौ प्रशमम् तत्र जग्मतुः तौ सुर उत्तमौ |
"At that point divine beings alongside the gatherings of sages and heavenly carana-s have met up and spoke to those two for settlement in the matter of using specialist, and after that those two unrivaled divine beings, Shiva and Vishnu, went into a condition of friendship"
जृम्भितम् तत् धनुः दृष्ट्वा शैवम् विष्णु पराक्रमैः || १-७५-१९
अधिकम् मेनिरे विष्णुम् देवाः स ऋषि गणाः तदा |
"On observing the bow of Shiva rendered idle by the dauntlessness of Vishnu, from that point on the divine beings alongside the arrays of sages considered Vishnu to be all the more effective."
2) Elsewhere, in Valmiki Ramayana,sundara khanda, 5-51-45, it is specified as takes after:
brahmā svayambhūś caturānano vā
rudrastrinetrastripurāntako vā |
indro mahendraḥ suranāyako vā
trātuṃ na śaktā yudhi rāmavadhyam ||
"Neither Lord Brahma, the self-conceived god with four countenances nor Lord Rudra with three eyes and the destroyer of Tripura or Mahendra, the divine force of environment and sky as additionally the master of heavenly would have the capacity to ensure the one to be murdered by Lord Rama in fight."
The second occurrence is specified as takes after:
2) Srimad bhagavata purana 10.63
SB 10.63.7 — A most astounding, tumultuous and hair-raising fight at that point started, with Lord Kṛṣṇa coordinated against Lord Śaṅkara, and Pradyumna against Kārtikeya.
SB 10.63.8 — Lord Balarāma battled with Kumbhāṇḍa and Kūpakarṇa, Sāmba with Bāṇa's child, and Sātyaki with Bāṇa.
SB 10.63.9 — Brahmā and the other decision demigods, alongside Siddhas, Cāraṇas and extraordinary sages, and also Gandharvas, Apsarās and Yakṣas, all came in their heavenly planes to watch.
SB 10.63.10-11 — With sharp-pointed bolts released from His bow Śārṅga, Lord Kṛṣṇa headed out the different adherents of Lord Śiva — Bhūtas, Pramathas, Guhyakas, Ḍākinīs, Yātudhānas, Vetālas, Vināyakas, Pretas, Mātās, Piśācas, Kuṣmāṇḍas and Brahma-rākṣasas.
SB 10.63.12 — Lord Śiva, wielder of the trident, shot different weapons at Lord Kṛṣṇa, wielder of Śārṅga. Be that as it may, Lord Kṛṣṇa was not at all confounded: He killed every one of these weapons with suitable counterweapons.
SB 10.63.13 — Lord Kṛṣṇa balanced a brahmāstra with another brahmāstra, a twist weapon with a mountain weapon, a shoot weapon with a rain weapon, and Lord Śiva's own pāśupatāstra weapon with His very own weapon, the nārāyaṇāstra.
SB 10.63.14 — After confounding Lord Śiva by making him yawn with a yawning weapon, Lord Kṛṣṇa continued to hit down Bāṇāsura's armed force with His sword, club and bolts.
SB 10.63.15 — Lord Kārtikeya was upset by the surge of Pradyumna's bolts pouring down from all sides, and consequently he fled the front line on his peacock as blood poured from his appendages.
SB 10.63.16 — Kumbhāṇḍa and Kūpakarṇa, tormented by Lord Balarāma's club, tumbled down dead. At the point when the troopers of these two devils saw that their pioneers had been slaughtered, they scattered every which way.
SB 10.63.17 — Bāṇāsura was incensed to see his whole military constrain being torn separated. Leaving his battle with Sātyaki, he charged over the combat zone on his chariot and assaulted Lord Kṛṣṇa.
SB 10.63.18 — Excited to a free for all by the battling, Bāṇa at the same time pulled tight every one of the series of his five hundred bows and settled two bolts on each string.
SB 10.63.19 — Lord Śrī Hari split each one of Bāṇāsura's bows at the same time, and furthermore struck down his chariot driver, chariot and stallions. The Lord at that point sounded His conchshell.
SB 10.63.20 — Just at that point Bāṇāsura's mom, Koṭarā, coveting to spare her child's life, showed up before Lord Kṛṣṇa bare and with her hair fixed.
SB 10.63.21 — Lord Gadāgraja dismissed His face to abstain from seeing the bare lady, and Bāṇāsura — denied of his chariot, his bow broke — accepted the open door to escape into his city.
SB 10.63.22 — After Lord Śiva's supporters had been headed out, the Śiva-jvara, who had three heads and three feet, squeezed forward to assault Lord Kṛṣṇa. As the Śiva-jvara drew nearer, he appeared to consume everything in the ten headings.
SB 10.63.23 — Seeing this represented weapon approach, Lord Nārāyaṇa at that point discharged His own embodied fever weapon, the Viṣṇu-jvara. The Śiva-jvara and Viṣṇu-jvara in this way combat each other.
SB 10.63.24 — The Śiva-jvara, overpowered by the quality of the Viṣṇu-jvara, shouted out in torment. In any case, finding no asylum, the startled Śiva-jvara moved toward Lord Kṛṣṇa, the ace of the faculties, planning to accomplish His sanctuary. Subsequently with joined palms he started to applaud the Lord.
SB 10.63.25 — The Śiva-jvara stated: I bow down to You of boundless potencies, the Supreme Lord, the Supersoul of all creatures. You have unadulterated and finish awareness and are the reason for astronomical creation, upkeep and disintegration. Consummately serene, You are the Absolute Truth to whom the Vedas in a roundabout way allude.
SB 10.63.26 — Time; destiny; karma; the jīva and his inclinations; the unobtrusive material components; the material body; the life air; false self image; the different faculties; and the totality of these as reflected in the living being's unpretentious body — this constitutes your material fanciful vitality, māyā, an unending cycle like that of seed and plant. I take safe house of You, the nullification of this māyā.
SB 10.63.27 — With different goals, You perform interests to keep up the demigods, the pious people and the codes of religion for this world. By these leisure activities You likewise execute the individuals who stray from the correct way and live by savagery. Without a doubt, your present incarnation is intended to mitigate the world's weight.
SB 10.63.28 — I am tormented by the furious energy of Your repulsive fever weapon, which is frosty yet consuming. Every typified soul must endure the length of they stay bound to material aspirations and hence unwilling to serving Your feet.
SB 10.63.29 — The Supreme Lord stated: O three-headed one, I am satisfied with you. May your dread of My fever weapon be dispersed, and may whoever recollects our discussion here have no motivation to fear you.
SB 10.63.30 — Thus tended to, the Māheśvara-jvara bowed down to the dependable Lord and left. In any case, Bāṇāsura at that point showed up, riding forward on his chariot to battle Lord Kṛṣṇa.
SB 10.63.31 — Carrying various weapons in his thousand hands, O King, the unpleasantly rankled devil shot numerous bolts at Lord Kṛṣṇa, the transporter of the circle weapon.
SB 10.63.32 — As Bāṇa kept heaving weapons at Him, the Supreme Lord started utilizing His dangerously sharp cakra to remove Bāṇāsura's arms as though they were tree limbs.
SB 10.63.33 — Lord Śiva felt empathy for his lover Bāṇāsura, whose arms were being cut off, and in this manner he moved toward Lord Cakrāyudha [Kṛṣṇa] and addressed Him as takes after.
SB 10.63.34 — Śrī Rudra stated: only you are the Absolute Truth, the incomparable light, the riddle covered up inside the verbal sign of the Absolute. Those whose hearts are spotless can see You, for You are uncontaminated, similar to the sky.
SB 10.63.35-36 — The sky is Your navel, fire Your face, water Your semen, and paradise Your head. The cardinal headings are Your feeling of hearing, natural plants the hairs on Your body, and water-bearing mists the hair on Your head. The earth is Your foot, the moon Your psyche, and the sun Your vision, while I am Your personality. The sea is Your belly, Indra Your arm, Lord Brahmā Your insight, the ancestor of humankind Your private parts, and religion Your heart. You are in fact the first puruṣa, maker of the universes.
SB 10.63.37 — Your present plunge into the material domain, O Lord of unlimited power, is implied for maintaining the standards of equity and profiting the whole universe. We demigods, each relying upon Your beauty and specialist, build up the seven planetary frameworks.
SB 10.63.38 — You are the first individual, one without a moment, supernatural and self-showing. Uncaused, you are the reason for all, and You are a definitive controller. You are in any case seen as far as the changes of matter affected by Your fanciful vitality — changes You endorse so that the different material qualities can completely show.
SB 10.63.39 — O omnipotent one, similarly as the sun, however covered up by a cloud, enlightens the cloud and all other noticeable structures too, so You, albeit covered up by the material qualities, stay self-radiant and hence uncover every one of those qualities, alongside the living elements who have them.
SB 10.63.40 — Their insight baffled by Your māyā, completely joined to youngsters, spouse, home et cetera, people drenched in the sea of material hopelessness once in a while ascend to the surface and in some cases sink down.
SB 10.63.41 — One who has achieved this human type of life as a blessing from God, yet who neglects to control his faculties and respect Your feet, is without a doubt to be felt sorry for, for he is just bamboozling himself.
SB 10.63.42 — That mortal who rejects You — his actual Self, dearmost companion, and Lord — for sense questions, whose nature is the exact inverse, denies nectar and rather devours harm.
SB 10.63.43 — I, Lord Brahmā, alternate demigods and the unadulterated disapproved of sages have all surrendered wholeheartedly unto You, our dearmost Self and Lord.
SB 10.63.44 — Let us love You, the Supreme Lord, to be liberated from material life. You are the maintainer of the universe and the reason for its creation and end. Equipoised and superbly settled, You are simply the genuine companion, and worshippable Lord. You are one without a moment, the safe house of the considerable number of universes and all souls.
SB 10.63.45 — This Bāṇāsura is my dear and reliable adherent, and I have granted him opportunity from fear. Hence, my Lord, please give him Your leniency, similarly as You indicated benevolence to Prahlāda, the ruler of the evil presences.
SB 10.63.46 — The Supreme Lord Krishna stated: My dear Lord Shiva, for your pleasure We should absolutely do what you have asked for of Us. I completely concur with your decision.
One ought to along these lines comprehend that Lord Krishna can't be vanquished by anybody. Infact, one of the name of Lord Vishnu in Vishnu sahasranama is "Ajita". The importance of this name is "One who can't be vanquished by anybody."
Adi Sankaracharya in his Vishnu sahasranama bhasya has given the accompanying clarification to this name:
"na kena programming interface avataresu jita iti ajitah"
"Master can't be vanquished by anybody in any of his avaratas(descent).Hence,he is called as Ajita"
In this manner I trust the uncertainty in regards to who is all the more intense among Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu is plainly settled with the portrayal of the above episodes.
Vishnu For his most evil sanctuary, finest mosque, and the best church exists inside the souls (the inestimable vitality). On the off chance that influence is your third dimensional measure of 'quality', "rich" and 'notoriety', I fear the "tridev" (Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva) exist past the third measurement and after the sixth Human Chakra.
When you reach there, you wouldn't look correlation, since there needs no examination of grandiose vitality which lies past the time-space parabola. In the event that you take a paper, overlay it twice, it's three dimensional. On the off chance that collapsed, fourth time, it analyzes into seventh dimensional; and subsequently this collapsing is internal produced with profound power (one ought not look for it external, but rather look for in inward) and thus is relied upon to discover the appropriate response yourself past the sixth Chakra. :)
Entropy of the universe is expanding and clearly we are set out toward times when the universe will achieve its harmony, a condition of greatest entropy. So what might it resemble in such a situation?
Such a situation is clarified by the idea of Heat demise of the universe. Times when the stars have broke down as all their warmth has disseminated. The event of such a situation however is broadly faced off regarding.
Considering heat passing can to be sure happen, envision the circumstances when the sun's power is decreased by ten times! What might life resemble on earth?
From the event of day and night, stream of the waterways, periods of summer and winter and rain, development of the life supporting plants on earth, everything would take a BIG hit!
Do you notice some disorder on our planet as an outcome? Real hit in the creation of assets that support our intricate power hungry setup called 'Present day Civilization' ?
Sounds natural to the kaliyug of Hinduism?
This conviction of Hinduism matches to some degree to the second law of thermodynamics about expanding entropy.
Be that as it may, not to be dampened! Despite the fact that material science to the extent I know, doesn't generally foresee any useful for people after such a warmth passing of universe, according to Hinduism, this cycle of four yugas rehashes interminably, beginning with the primary yuga. So we will make a rebound!
Presently in the event that you view Shiva as sort of an inestimable drive field who is the implementer of the second law of thermodynamics, at that point yes, he is in reality the God of entropy and henceforth not control. Power is your third dimensional measure of the previously mentioned elements.
Analytics and Comparison
1. Despite the fact that it is not under any condition justificatory to analyze two Gods, especially Lord Shiva and Lord Krishna.Ruler Shiva is one of the Trimurtis and Lord Krishna is incarnation of Lord Vishnu.
Ruler Shiva is exemplified God whose assignment is Destruction of Transformation. Also, Lord Krishna was destined to execute Kans.
Master Shiva is thought to be made by Brahma as one of the Prajapatis (People who saw formation of world) and Lord Krishna was conceived as human, in Dwapar Yuga.
Master Shiva is in charge of death of anybody and Lord Krishna himself kicked the bucket.
On Lord Shiva you have an entire grantha called Shiva Purana and Lord Krishna is a character in few writing works like Mahabharata and Vishnu Purana.
Both the Gods are from various Time, has diverse status and assumed distinctive parts in Hindu mythology. It is not right to look at these two.
In the event that despite everything you need a correlation, you should look at among Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva. This could maybe be replied.
We should see the story behind why Brahma is not worshiped. I had learnt it from my granddad, same I confirmed on google. Still there might be mistakes. There are various stories and their renditions accessible yet core of all these is as per the following:
When Lord Brahma and Vishnu went into a contention, that who is more imperative of the two. Their contention prompt clash, to determine that both consented to approach Lord Shiva. When they requested a determination, Lord Shiva, put a test. He transformed himself into a tremendous shape, his body stretched out to from Paatal to Heaven. He solicited, whosoever tries could touch either from my extraordinary (Head or Toe) will be considered. On the off chance that no one can, at that point he ought to be considered as generally critical.
Every one of the three rulers settled upon. Brahma assumed that it is about difficult to do as such. He began looking different choices. He saw a blossom (alluded as Ketaki on different sites) tumbling from the up in the sky. He addressed the blossom and came to know, that bloom is tumbling from the head of Lord Shiva and it took thousands years to reach. Brahma, asked for and persuaded bloom to talk mislead Lord Shiva, that Brahma has come to the head of Shiva and got this blossom from that point as a proof. At that point he came and called Lord Shiva to guarantee his win and bolstered his words with observer of blossom. In any case, Shiva knew about the lie of Brahma and Ketaki blossom. He got irate and reviled Brahma that he won't be ever worshiped by anybody anyplace on the earth. Additionally Lord Shiva reviled the Flower of Ketaki, that as it has talked lie, thusly independent of it's incredible aroma, it won't be utilized for ever.
There is a different story, following this, which says that on aggregate demand of all Gods Lord Shiva lessened the effect of his revile and Brahma is worshiped at just a single place on the earth, i.e. Pushkar. Ruler Shiva likewise lessened his revile for Ketaki blossom is utilized for Fragrance and decoration yet not for love and petitions.
Along these lines Lord Shiva swung to be most vital of the trinity. How could some other god be Greater than him.
Why Is Brahma Not Worshipped?
2. Lord Shiva indeed!
Here is one incidence right from the start of the cosmos.Brahma, for the first time, appeared in the universe. Ignorant of this world,of his own existence. He started meditating for years and years and that went upto a thousand years. That’s when he came across with Vishnu, the perpetuator god. Brahma asked Vishnu, who are you? A benevolent Vishnu replied “I am your father”. Brahma full of his meditation powers, said I am the infinite, timeless. No one is my father. I am the creator of the universe. The argument went on. They finally settled for a dual. Whoever wins is the ultimate God. As soon as the started fighting, appeared a vast, luminescent pillar of energy. From space to inside the earth. And was reverberating AUM. Both of them, In awe of the magnificent phenomena decided to find its start and beginning. It as decided whosoever finds the edge, will be the winner.
They both went on their respective vehicles. Travelled for days, weeks, months and years. Vishnu gave up and came with dull face. ‘Couldn’tfind!” he told to the proudy Brahma.
Brahma, who himself couldnt find the edge, decided to lie. He said ‘ I did so I won, I am the ultimate God.
And then the Pillar opened up and came out the mighty Shiva, the lord of the lords. Timeless.Infinite. Formless. the distructor. The first Yogi. ‘I am your father’ he roared.
He cursed Brahma for lying and said you will never have a temple. And hence lord Brahma doesn’t have any temple, except one in Pushkara.
Note: Somebody fail to identity who is Krishna and who is Mahadeva, because you see two different personalities when you think of them.
Mahadeva is a part of Vishnu. Vishnu is a part of Mahadeva.
On one side Mahadeva presents Vishnu his Sudarshana Chakra as boon while on the other Vishnu protects Mahadeva from Bhasmasura.
As Hanumana, Mahadeva serves Rama; as Sharabheshwara he destroys Narasimha.
As Shankara he embraces Mohini to give birth to Ayyapa Swamy; as Shiva he accompanies Krishna in his Leela.
As Lingeshwara he gives the boon to Vishnu to be worshipped till eternity, as Veerabhadra he defeats Maha Vishnu in the battle of Prajapati Daksha.
Kurma Avatara prays to Mahadeva (Neelakantha) to drink the Kaalakuta Halaahal, while Shiva nearly protects Hayagreeva from the warth of Matsya Avtara.
Shiva is Rameshwara, the lord of Rama. Vishnu is the enigma and bull of the chariot of Tripurantaka, he is the very arrow of Tripurantaka' bow, the Pinaka.
Shiva witness Ram's Swayamvara, dances to the raagas of Ramchandra, becomes the gopika of govinda, the cow of Sri Balaji Venkateshwara.
There is no distinction between then. The Shaivas are Vaishnavas, the Vaishnavas are Shaivas because the lord is HARIHARA.
3. There were disputes many times belonging to this issue even in heaven. I will give two examples rather than Puranas. Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi, the late Kanchi Paramacharya, told this story. He took example for this by taking the word Rameswaram with Sanskrit grammar.

There is no problem with Saivas who think Lord Siva, the Parabrahma. There is no problem even with Vaishnavas who pick up Lord Vishnu as Parabrahma. The problem is only with the people who follow smartha sampradaya. (Smartha is derived from the word Smruthi. A cult formed by Adi Sankaracharya, who had no partiality among Gods.) who can't decide who is main.
Once all Gods went to The Vaikuntha to ask that what was the ‘samaas’ of Rameswaram. (Rama+Eswara is Sandhi, they are asking Vigraha of Samaas). Lord Vishnu said ‘Eswara of Rama’ (Hindi—Ram Kaa Eswar), Shashthi Thathpurusha samaas . I.e., Eswara is greater than Rama. Gods thought Rama is having Anantha(unlimited) Kalyana Guna. Humbleness is one quality of them. So he speaks like that only. So Gods didn't satisfy with this grammar.
They went to Kailasa to ask Lord Siva about this issue. Siva said Eswara is belonged to Rama. (Hindi, Rama ko Eswar ho gaya Bahuvreehi samaas) Now Rama became great. Gods didn't satisfy again. They went to Satyaloka abode to Brahma, to confirm impartially.
They put the same issue before Lord Brahma. Rama is Eswar and Eswar is Rama. (Hindi samaas, Rama hee Eswar Karmadharaya samaas). They satisfied and returned happily repeating the sentence, both are equals in the sense.

I think this is enough. But I am giving another story which had rendered among traditionalists in Thirumala.
Once all Gods gathered in heaven. Purusha Suktham was reciting the qualities of Parabrahmam. Gods were so curious about it. As the Suktha was reading them, every god was thinking that ‘it was my quality’, ‘it was mine’ like that. When Purusha Suktha recited,
“Hrïschathe Lakshmischa Patnoü -”
Then all Gods stopped thinking themselves. It's meaning is like this. “Whose wives are Mahalakshmi and Bhudevi(Hrï).” Gods concluded themselves that the Parabrahmam was Lord Srimannarayana.
If you like Ramayana follow the incident of Parasurama in balakanda. This has been given as one answer to your question.
If you like Srimadbhagavatha, read incident of Bañasura in Usha Pariñaya ghatta. This is also one answer to your question. All Puranas were written by one single sage, Vedavyasa Maharshi, an amśa of Vishnu. He felt uneasy after writing all Puranas including Mahabharata. Then Narada Maharshi told to write Bhagavatha for mental piece because Bhakti yoga is ultimate.
Nowadays the ideal book to all the people is Bhagavadgeeta. So follow the chapters 9th, 10th, 11th. You will come to a conclusion.
Precis to Bhagavatha was written by Narayana bhatta thirupada, a very great scholar of Kerala, by the name, “Narayaneeyam”. Just study 10 ślokas of 90th chapter. It is enough.
Some more edits on the demand of readers :
- The Purusha Suktha, Sri Suktha, Bhu Suktha, Manyu Suktha, etc… are originated from Vedas. We could not do comments against Vedas. Purusha Suktha is being read by priests in all temples of Lord Siva, Vikshnu, Uma, Lakshmi, Gañapathi, Skandha, Surya. Without these spells, there are no rituals like Abhishekas, Kumbha Prokshanas etc… .
- It is not point that which God is great. It is the point whom we should follow. We can understand a little about Adi Shankaracharya but nothing about Siva. We can understand a little about Ramanujacharya but nothing about Vishnu. It is always better to follow one preacher or master to deepen our mind.
- I will give better example in this aspect. We learn more subjects for at least 15 years. After then we select one and sharpening our brains we go to extreme in our favourite subject. It is same in the spiritual development side. We come to know about Adi Shankaracharya, Ramanujacharya, Madwacharya, Dayananda Saraswathi, Christ, Mahammod Pravaktha, Guru Nanak etc… . In this age almost every one is an agnostic. We will go through an aacharya depending upon our maturity, taste, experience, influences and circumstances. Only thing is to follow our master, following his instructions, doing service to him and pass the days with Nishkama Karma to get salvation.
- We should follow one God for concentration as Rama did prayers to Ranganatha (which is now in Sri Rangam). Srikrishna followed Sampathkumar (which is now in Melkote). His mother and wife prayed the lord who are now in Guruvayur and Udupi. In the oldest, greatest holy city, Varanasi, Lord Siva always spells Ramanama for concentration and teaches every one who comes to Kaśi, with a holy mind. It was written in famous Adhyathma Ramayana. This secret was said by Siva to Uma. “”Aham bhavannama grunan Kruthardo vasaami Kaśyaam anišam Bhavanya mumoorshamañasya vimukthayeham diśami manthram thava Nama Rama.”” He said this one also that “”Ramah Parathma Prakruthe ranadihi, Ananda ekaha Purushoththamohi ||””
- Akaśath pathitham thoyam yathha gachchhathi sagaram,
‘Sarva Deva namaskaram Keśavam Prathi gachchhathi’. Bhagavadgita
Comments Answer:
Thats a tough one, to be honest. But, this is not Batman v/s Superman that you can judge one against the other. They are Gods and both have mystical qualities.
BUT, on a personal note, I think Shiva did more socio-welfare and public welfare activities than Vishnu or any of his incarnation.
Be it drinking poison which would kill the entire world, or him saving Moon from getting burnt, or him saving the cobra around his neck.
Thats a personal opinion anyways.
BUT, on a personal note, I think Shiva did more socio-welfare and public welfare activities than Vishnu or any of his incarnation.
Be it drinking poison which would kill the entire world, or him saving Moon from getting burnt, or him saving the cobra around his neck.
Thats a personal opinion anyways.
Of course it is Lord Shiva, Shiva himself is Param Ishwara while Vishnu is an Aditya, a Deva. Generally people become confused about his Supremacy because of Puranas. Every Puran claims it's favourite deity to be supreme. But Puranas are Smritis, they are secondary scriptures. Vedas & Upanishads are primary scriptures or Shrutis. In every major Shruti Lord Shiva or Lord Rudra is portrayed as the Supreme Lord. Just like this verse of Svetasvatara Upanishad

The greatness of our scripture consists in the fact that it does not glorify one deity alone. The Vedas proclaim that the Atman, the Self, must be worshiped, the Atman that denotes all the deities.
Brahadranyaka Upanishad- 4. 5. 6 : "Verily, O Maitreyi, it is the Self that should be perceived, that should be seen, heard and reflected upon. It is the Self that must be known.
Don’t go by Puranas (I am not saying not to read them). They always try to glorify one aspect of Para-Brahman. If you are a Vaishnava, pray to Vishnu as your Atman, if Shaiva, pray to Shiva. If Shakta pray to Maa. Read Puranas to increase your knowledge, to keep your mind indulged in the form of deity you like. Don’t use Puranas to belittle someone else’s faith.
It doesn’t matter who is powerful, Shiva or Vishnu does it? Does it help you in any way? No. It just fulfills the ego of the one proclaiming who is the most powerful, nothing else.
Don't mind my saying so, but this is an ill-informed question. Who is more powerful Shiva or Vishnu? How do you judge power? If it means your destructive capabilities then it means Shiva for He is the destroyer. If it means the power to sustain and preserve life then it is Vishnu.
However consider this: Suppose Shiva were to decide to not destroy, He would be sparing. It is a power akin to that of Vishnu. Likewise if Vishnu were to decide to not sustain then he would be destroying, the same as Shiva. The scope of your question seeks to resolve this point of conflict; however it is not conflict at all, for the moment Vishnu stops nurturing He is no longer Vishnu, He becomes Shiva and the moment Shiva stops destroying He becomes Vishnu, the Sustainer. It is One entity that moves through the various functions of Creation, Sustenance and Destruction.
However I have a way to answer your question. Ask yourself, when do you feel more powerful, while sustaining your performing assets or while disposing of your assets that have outlived their usability. Therein lies the answer for you and it is unique to you. In a way it reflects your constitution vis a vis the Trimurti concept.
However consider this: Suppose Shiva were to decide to not destroy, He would be sparing. It is a power akin to that of Vishnu. Likewise if Vishnu were to decide to not sustain then he would be destroying, the same as Shiva. The scope of your question seeks to resolve this point of conflict; however it is not conflict at all, for the moment Vishnu stops nurturing He is no longer Vishnu, He becomes Shiva and the moment Shiva stops destroying He becomes Vishnu, the Sustainer. It is One entity that moves through the various functions of Creation, Sustenance and Destruction.
However I have a way to answer your question. Ask yourself, when do you feel more powerful, while sustaining your performing assets or while disposing of your assets that have outlived their usability. Therein lies the answer for you and it is unique to you. In a way it reflects your constitution vis a vis the Trimurti concept.
In Hinduism we have different lines of faith and believe. They sometime contradict with each other, but that's the great thing about this religion.
Now about Lord Shiva he is one among the three greats. As per Shiva Purana he was the first god. Then came Lord Brambha and then Lord Vishnu. He is the oldest but we can't give positions like other religion. But who is strongest it's an question which doesn't have any mention anywhere in Hindu text's for that matter or folklore. Yes there are stories in one story you will find Lird Shiva went to Lord Vishnu to intervene and sort an issue and vice versa.
इदम् हि नित्यमेवमुक्तमुत्तमोत्तमं स्तवं
पठन्स्मरन्ब्रुवन्नरो विशुद्धिमेतिसंततम् |
हरे गुरौ सुभक्तिमाशु याति नान्यथा गतिं
विमोहनं हि देहिनां सुशङ्करस्य चिंतनम् ||१४||
OM Namah Shivai.
I don't know why you asked me to answer this, Venugopal Pakala. Hindu scripture is not my forte, and I don't believe in any of it. Besides, you've written a very nice answer yourself. But it's an interesting question, and I get credits, so I'll answer anyways. From what I know and have read from the Gita, Hinduism is essentially a monotheistic religion. The three gods Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva are different aspects of the same god. Kind of analogous to the Christian trinity, or the seven gods of Westeros. In the Gita, Krishna appears before Arjun in the form of Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, and all the other 33 crore gods. So you can consider them to be equally great.
I am not so knowledgeable person, but as per my understanding, there was a huge positive energy power in the universe (including millions of galaxies galaxies), Infinite, countless, beyond imagination power, that power was nothing but the god or you can say that we given a name GOD to that positive energy.
Now God wanted to create a new universe, for that he divided himself in three (Bramha, Vishnu, Mahesh)and also divided their duties & works like Brmha was creature, Vishnu was palanhaar to take care of the world, and finally distroyer was Mahesh or shiva. Nobody is more powerful and nobody is less. Then they created a new universe with living beings like Humans, animals, trees, earth, moon, Son, planets etc. All are created by God so obviously God is existing in all of them.
Now human being has mind to think, and he started to think and by his own mind. He stared to think that he is a God (which can create anything by his mind, cure it or can destroy it).
Where there is a light there is shadow (darkness) also, so he started to think himself at the top of all, he created 5 evils in his mind that is- kaam, karodh, moh, lobh, and most powerful is Ahankaar. He started to show his power by destroying natural things (Tree, animals, humans, Son, or other planets).
So the Vishnu has responsibility to nourish or take care of all nature, he given some special super power to the good soul human or he created a replica of himself (God) to stop destroying and teach him lesson to follow right path. We may call it Avtaar/ incarnation of GOD in different manner.
God did not divide this nature in name or religion. Its the human who divided it. The basic motto of all dharma/ religion is to save nature/ love the things created by God, Love each other.God has no cast no religion.
But as i said human always use his own mind and ...............
Now God wanted to create a new universe, for that he divided himself in three (Bramha, Vishnu, Mahesh)and also divided their duties & works like Brmha was creature, Vishnu was palanhaar to take care of the world, and finally distroyer was Mahesh or shiva. Nobody is more powerful and nobody is less. Then they created a new universe with living beings like Humans, animals, trees, earth, moon, Son, planets etc. All are created by God so obviously God is existing in all of them.
Now human being has mind to think, and he started to think and by his own mind. He stared to think that he is a God (which can create anything by his mind, cure it or can destroy it).
Where there is a light there is shadow (darkness) also, so he started to think himself at the top of all, he created 5 evils in his mind that is- kaam, karodh, moh, lobh, and most powerful is Ahankaar. He started to show his power by destroying natural things (Tree, animals, humans, Son, or other planets).
So the Vishnu has responsibility to nourish or take care of all nature, he given some special super power to the good soul human or he created a replica of himself (God) to stop destroying and teach him lesson to follow right path. We may call it Avtaar/ incarnation of GOD in different manner.
God did not divide this nature in name or religion. Its the human who divided it. The basic motto of all dharma/ religion is to save nature/ love the things created by God, Love each other.God has no cast no religion.
But as i said human always use his own mind and ...............
Oxymoron! The coexistence of complete contradiction. One who is driving the universe ensure that truth only wins and on the same time, serves the defeated. That one who is beyond the boundaries of universe lets creation and destruction both propagate.
Shiva, the one who is ‘SANYASI’ lives with his wife Parvati and family (Ganesh and Kartikeya) and remorse to the extent of destruction for entire universe when his wife Sati immolates herself.
And Ram/Krishna, the one who is ‘Grahasth’ leaves his home, wanders in jungles, leaves his wife Sita on some petty words of a washer man. Further, leaves his beloved Radha and re-establishes himself in Dwarika. He didn’t hesitate on not saving Abhimanyu, his own sister’s son and then goes on confronting Bramhastra to save Parikshit in Uttarasa’s womb.
Its not that simple to even understand the scope of their character, forget to compare their strength. These two are epitome of living life and creating their own patterns for good of common people.
Shiv and Vishnu both - extreme eccentricities of the universe, everything else oscillates in-between.
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Lord Shiva is equally powerful. Those who cannot perform a Shiv Puja or Abhishek may do meditation