End of Mahabharata and Start of Kali Yuga - Human Timelines Myth & History


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Friday, June 23, 2017

End of Mahabharata and Start of Kali Yuga

“karmany evadhikaras te

ma phalesu kadachana
ma karma-phala-hetur bhur
ma te sango ’stv akarmani” (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Two verse 47)

“Sri Krishna said: You have a right to perform your prescribed duty, but you are not entitled to the fruits of action. Never consider yourself the cause of the results of your activities, and never be attached to not doing your duty.”
Mahabharata was made and talked by Vyaas jee, while scribed by Ganesh jee. A look at Mahabharata was appeared in the Treta Yuga with a twenty three days in length fight between two of the best warriors of that time, that is, Parshuram and Bhishma. 
The genuine story of Mahabharata begun in the Dvapara Yuga additionally called as the Third period of man. Amid the beginning of the life of Draupadi, Vyaas jee once went by her kingdom as a sadhu (sage). With her Dhai Ma (nurture mother). She went by the sadhu eager to realize what her future holds. She stooped before the wise, touching her make a beeline for the ground. With a grin gleamed through the wise's whiskers he said to darupadi – 
"You will wed the five biggest legends of your time. You will be ruler of rulers, begrudged even by goddesses. You will be a hireling servant. You will be the special lady of the most supernatural places and after that lose it. 
In any case, you will be associated with causing the best war of your time. An appalling war of Kurukshetra that will end the Third period of Man. 
You will achieve the passings of shrewdness lords – and your children's, and your brother's. A million ladies will move toward becoming dowagers as a result of you. Be that as it may, yes, without a doubt you will leave a blemish on history." 
As the tale of this epic unfurls, not long after the expectation by Vyaas ji, a swayamwar was masterminded Draupadi. In any case, before the wedding there was a trial of aptitude in which one needed to penetrate the eyes of a fish made of metal, rotating high on the roof divider. 
The Pandava's and the Kaurava's additionally went to the swayamwar to demonstrate there aptitudes. It was Arjuna (Pandava Prince) who punctured the eye of the fish and wedded Draupadi. 
Subsequent to wedding Draupadi, Pandava's went to where they lived. Before they were to go into there house, Bheem thought of playing a trap on there mother, he said –"Ma, come see what we've brought home today." 
However, without looking, Kunti (Pandava's mom) answered – "Child, I can't come at the present time or the sustenance will consume. Be that as it may, as usual, whatever you brought ought to be shared similarly among every one of my children." 
All through her(Kunti) life – even in the hardest of times – all that she said was tried to be finished. She requested that her children respect her words and every one of them five must wed Draupadi. What's more, there forward she turned into the spouse of five husbands additionally known by the name "Panchaali". 
Later after some time The Pandava has a land named khandav from dhritarashtra for themselves to work there kingdom. Maya who manufactured castles for divine beings and asura's constructed the most eminent royal residence for them which they named "The royal residence of Illusions". 
Pandava's welcomed every one of the lords from Bharata to visit there royal residence. At the point when the kaurava's ruler Duryodhan went to them, spruced up all superbly in a white silk equip, ventured into an illusionary extension, flopping about in the pool. Drapudai and her specialists blasted into a pearl of chuckling. One of the chaperons said "It appears the visually impaired lords' child is additionally visually impaired." 
This affront of Duryodhan prompted a session of dice against Yudhisthir, in which he lost everything from his royal residence to himself and his sibling's and even his significant other Draupadi. 
After he lost Draupadi, she was dragged trough the castle to the diversion room by her hair and was take offended by them. Before leaving the amusement room she said – "I won't brush my hair untill the day i bathe in kaurava blood" 
After the last diversion Pandava's and Draupadi were exiled to woodlands for a long time. Over the span of twelve years they lived in backwoods and as workers in different rulers kingdoms 
Once those twelve years were finished, Pandava's seethed for the fight to come against the Kaurva's. The epic clash of Mahabharata was battled in the place that is known for Kurukshetra additionally to be called as "The war of Kurukshetra" 
Shri Krishna was the charioteer of Arjuna, and it was before the war of Kurukshetra, Shri Krishna clarified Arjuna his obligations as a warrior and ruler as "Srimad Bhagavad Gita". 
After the long battled clash of the Kurukshetra, the Pandava's vanquished the Kaurava's. There was a pire of bodies, ladies bouncing into flame with there spouse's body, million ladies progressed toward becoming dowager and bodies were past conspicuous. However, this was not the finish of Third time of Man. 
Kaurva's mom (Gandhari) pointed the finger at Shri Krishna for the distruction of his children and consummation the kaurva era. She reviled him – "In light of what you have done, your own family will demolish itself in the traverse of one day. On that day, your ladies will sob similarly as the ladies of Hastinapur are sobbing now." 
After the traverse of couple of years a delivery person (Yadu faction) from Dwarka (kingdom of Shri Krishna) came to Hastinapur advising that – Overnight, Dwarka had transformed into a city of grieving, inhabited – like Hastinapur after the war – with kids and dowagers. Balarama (Shri Krishna's senior sibling) was dead and nobody knew where Krishna was, yet it was far-fetched that he was alive.

After the demise of his senior sibling, Balarama, Shri Krishna surrendered his body utilizing Yoga. He resigned into the timberland and began pondering under a tree. The seeker Jara, mixed up Krishna's incompletely obvious left foot for that of a deer, and shot a bolt injuring and murdering him mortally. Krishna's spirit at that point rose to paradise, while his mortal body was incinerated by Arjuna. After Krishna's passing it is realized that the Kali Yuga has begun. 
After the demise of Shri krishna, Pandava's concluded that it is the ideal opportunity for every one of them additionally beyond words. Before going ahead there travel towards Heaven through the pathway from Himalaya's they gave over the majesty of Hastinapur to Parikshit (Grandson of Arjuna and child of Abhimanyu). 
Afterward, Parikshit was reviled by Shringi, the child of Rishi Shamik that – "Since King Parikshit, out of pomposity of his forces, has put a dead snake on my dad's neck, on the seventh day from now, Serpent lord Takshak will nibble King Parikshit to death. The ruler will pay for his transgressions by this inauspicious demise." 
The passing of Parikshit, was what Kali was sitting tight for. He had no dread now and gradually, however definitely overwhelmed the entire world with his negative impact. The time of Kali Yuga had started… ..

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