Glory of Eternal Uma Devi Manifestations - Human Timelines Myth & History


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Friday, June 23, 2017

Glory of Eternal Uma Devi Manifestations

The everlasting power Mahamaya, an unceasing piece of Lord Shiva. Otherwise called Ma-Uma or Adi-Shakti, showed in seven distinct symbols as Mahamaya, Yogmaya, Mahakali, Mahalaxmi, Gauri, Durga and Yaksharoopa, since the earliest reference point of creation.

Mahakali and Yogmaya Manifestations


At the earliest reference point of the creation water appeared by the will of compel endless Lord Shiva. In water, Lord Vishnu vested. A long compensation tired him out and he went to profound rest of yoganidra. From the ear wax of Lord Vishnu got two strong evil presences made who were called Madhu and Kaitabha. For a long stretch they made compensation and got the gifts of Power Eternal Mahamaya. In the mean time, a lotus stalk had risen up out of the navel of resting Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma showed up on the blossom. The evil presences spotted him and started to bother him. The unnerved Brahma attempted to look for security of Lord Vishnu yet he found the last pulled back into yoganidra. In urgency, Lord Brahma appealed to Mahamaya. She addressed his petition by showing as Mahakali on the twelfth day of the primary fortnight of Phaluguna. She woke up Lord Vishnu by leaving from his eyes as Yogmaya.


To shield Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu tested the evil presence twosome and battled with them for five thousand years however neglected to repress them. At that point, Lord Vishnu summoned Mahamaya and petitioned God for her assistance. Mahamaya bewildered the psyches of evil presence couple and made them disclose to Lord Vishnu how they could be represented. So Lord Vishnu put their heads on his extended thighs and slaughtered them as that was the main way imaginable.

Mahalaxmi (Jagdamba) Manifestation


The evil spirit ruler Rambhasura was a forceful one who had turned into a scourge of the divine beings. His child Mahishasura was significantly mightier than him and was a store of more shades of malice. He was an exceptionally yearning evil presence and to understand his wicked dreams he made a hard compensation to satisfy Lord Brahma. From Lord Brahma he got a shelter that no man or god might ever execute him. In the wake of picking up that shelter he went wild tormenting all the three universes. He assaulted paradise and expelled divine beings from that point. The divinities of the headings were under his consistent danger and discipline. At that point he focused on every one of the general population who used to adore gods and divine creatures. He restricted every single religious ceremony and functions. No yajna no havana and no love was his enormous request.

The divinities and the divine beings went to Lord Brahma looking for deliverance from the oppression of Mahishasura. Master Brahma took them to Lord Vishnu as the previous had himself booned the evil spirit. Master Vishnu exhorted that they should all go to Lord Shiva to look for his assistance. They all paid to Deity Supreme. Ruler Shiva uncovered that the evil spirit could be executed just by a female character as he couldn't pass on account of a male because of his shelter. Master Brahma, Lord Vishnu and Lord Rudra shot out light bundles of their heavenly nature which combined in one brilliant body. Alternate divine beings shot into it their own particular separate bars. In this way increased chunk of light changed into a goddess figure of Mahalaxmi, likewise called 'Jagdamba'. She was a photo of valor. Her face transmitted the godlikeness of Lord Shiva and alternate parts of her body spoke to the heavenly nature of different divine beings. She had master Vishnu arms and thighs and the legs of Lord Brahma. Yama was in her hair and she rode a lion.

The heavenly masters loaned her their forces. She got the trident of Lord Shiva, Sudarshan Chakra of Lord Vishnu, Thunderbolt of Indra, Armor from Vishwakarma, Heat from Agni, Carrying Bowl of Lord Rama, Time scale and shield from Yama, Storm from Pavana, Liquidity from Varuna, Rays from Surya and alternate divine beings enabled her as indicated by their own particular perfect limits. In this way control stuffed Mahalaxmi rode that resonated through the universe. It elated the hearts of the divine beings.

They all implored convey them from the torments of shrewdness Mahishasura. She guaranteed them of her assurance and the autonomy from the devilish oppression. She went to the ground outside the castle of the evil presence and let out a compelling thunder which shook the whole universe.

Irate evil spirits turned out to meet the challengers. There were awesome evil battlers in Chiksura, Chandra, Udagara, Kerala, Bhaksha and so forth other than Mahishasura.

The two armed forces conflicted. To help Mahalaxmi, the host of the divine beings had likewise taken after her yet the vast majority of the battling was being finished by the goddess herself. She killed a few famous evil presence warriors in a matter of moments. Soon all the huge names of the evil presences aside from Mahishasura had moved toward becoming history. It maddened the evil spirit ruler. The evil spirits of the request of Mahishasura were fundamentally more out of control mammoths who could change into any creature shape.

Furious Mahishasura charged in his bull wild ox frame at Mahalaxmi and herarmy.He played ruin with the divine beings who appealed to the goddess to manage the evil presence. She hurled a rope at the evil spirit wild ox and seized it. To get off the noose the evil presence changed into a lion and attempted to clobber the lion the goddess was riding. Mahalaxmi raised her sword to kill the foe lion however he in a split second returned to his evil shape. The goddess assaulted with her sword, lance and bolts to befuddle her adversary.

Mahishasura changed into an elephant and trumpeted viciously. Mahalaxmi cut it's tongue in a quick move. The evil presence again changed his shape and turned to satanic poltergy making extraordinary numerous fantasies. The goddess took a swing from her celestial flask of wine skilled to her by Kubera. At that point she blew her conch shell in wrath making stun waves and let out a booming giggling that made Mahishasura tremble. With a brutal thunder she seized Mahishasura and stepped him practical. Her foot was on the evil spirit neck and her trident skewered the substance of her adversary and she lifted him not yet decided as though raising the banner of her triumph.

Jagdamba (2)

The Scene panicked the evil spirit armed force and it fled every which way in alarm. The enchanted divine beings poured down blossoms from the paradise to praise the triumph and pot drums were pounded. The divine beings gathered around Mahalaxmi and sang her supplications asking for all her assurance stretched out to the honorable powers until the end of time.
Shatakshi Durga Tale
A great trouble maker demon named Durgama was once the scourge of all the faithful’s, the gods, sages, nobles and peace loving people of the three worlds. Great was his physical power and master of Vedas he had become. He had made a long penance and had asked for Vedas as a boon from propitiated Brahma. He had studied them all and had become all knowing. Durgama found out that the gods got empowered by the religious acts of yajna, havana, penance, charity, fasts and worship regimes. As he became the ruler of all the worlds he banned all those religious acts to debilitate the gods. The gods were no more getting empowered and their divinity was diminishing.
The gods got together and prayed to primordial Devi power Uma to redeem them. In the prayer the gods revealed how evil Durgama was squeezing divinity out of them and tormenting them. How woe begotten had become their existence! The demon had monopolised the knowledge of Vedas. The water was not available and without it no religious ritual was possible. No rain could fall as water god and rain god had been rendered powerless by the demon Durgama. They no more received empowering oblations as no yajna and havana was being performed. They prayed to Mahamaya Uma to deliver them from Durgama.
Mahamaya materialised in the form of one hundred eyed Shatakshi. In her many hands she held bow, arrows, lotus, tubers, vegetable, corn and weapons. Her one hundred eyes shed tears of sympathy for the parched lands and the thirsting creatures. Her tears flowed to become streams to provide water. The people were blessed with plentiful bounties of food grains, vegetables and tubers. The land again greened up. The people could harvest the crops again with water aplenty. All the tanks, lakes, pools and wells were full of water.
Then, Mahamaya Uma asked the praying deities and the gods to seek boons from her. She was beseeched and retrieve the Vedas from his possession. The human priest also made the same request as the demons were missing the knowledge of Vedas.
This manifestation of Mahamaya Uma was named ‘Shatakshi’ for having hundred eyes and ‘Shakambari’ for providing food and vegetables to the people.
Meanwhile, Durgama was getting uneasy about the situation. He was feeling the vibes that his enemy gods were again getting empowered and were gaining strength. He could not understand what was causing it. He decided to raid the celestial domain once again to destroy whatever was causing the revival of the gods. But he could not reach the capital city of gods Amravati because his way was barred by the incarnation of Mahamaya Uma. She stood there with her divine wheel and other weapons ready to face the foe. The host of gods stood behind her. Durgama was not alone. He was backed up by a huge force of demon warriors.
Seeing this Devi produced a host of her alter forms in Kali, Tara, Chinnamastaka, Shri Vidya, Bhuvaneshwari, Bhairavi, Bagala, Matangi, Tripura Sundari and Rauravi. These ten alter forms further generated their own hosts. Thus, a great goddess force launched itself on the demon host. The demons were cut down like fodder. A mighty blow from her own self felled the mighty demon Durgama. For this victory over demon Durgama, the Devi incarnation also got the name of ‘Durga’ which later became an epithet or adjective noun meaning ‘ Fierce and indomitable battler’.
For slaying demons she is known also as ‘Bhīma Devi’. The consort of Shiva manifestation of Mahamaya Uma came to be known as ‘Parvati’ because she dwelled in mountains (Parvat), Himalaya being her parental adobe and Kailasha mountain as her marital home. Devi got the name of ‘Bhramarambha’when she sent black bees (Bhramars) to kill Aruna.
Gauri (Kaushiki) Tale
Once there existed two demon brothers called Shumbha and Nishumbha. They were mighty and very big trouble makers. All the three worlds and their populaces were living under the fear of those two demons. They had let loose a rule of tyranny. The gods and other celestial races had fled to the caves and forests to hide. That made the demon duo more arrogant and cruel.
The gods were advised by Brihaspati and Lord Brahma to seek the help of Goddess Parvati (Uma manifest). The gods went to the forest where Goddess Parvati was making penance to sort out her own problems. To help the gods she created her alter-ego out of her call. This new manifestation of her was called Gauri (The white one) since she had a spotless milk white skin. She was also known as Kaushiki for being born out of a cell (Kaushika). She astride a tiger armed with many fangled divine weapons. An incredible beauty she was and drank wine from a silver flask that dangled from her waist. Her skin was so clear that the gods could see red liquid going down her throat. Like a big cat she growled angrily. The over whelmed gods sang paeans to her as she made the universe shudder. She needed no briefing as she had heard the woes of the gods revealed wen she was a part of Goddess Parvati.
She flashed to a garden outside the palace of the evil demon pair of Shumba and Nishumbha. The demon commanders called Chanda and Munda saw her there. The beauty of Gauri stunned them. They ran to their demon pair of masters, Shumbha and Nishumbha with the news of the arrival of a unique beauty in the garden that deserved to the grace the palace of the demons. They had no words to explain her beauty correctly.
It excited Shumbha and Nishumbha. They sent some messengers to Gauri proposing her to marry one of the two and enjoy all the luxuries and splendours of the palace. Gauri revealed that she was avowed to marry only a person who would defeat her in a battle. The demon lords thought it was below there dignity to fight a tender girl of the weaker sex. It was some joke, they thought. So they sent their commander, Dhoomralochana to reason with her and if it did not work he was asked to bring her to palace by force. The demon got burnt to ashes by an angry gaze of Gauri. Then the demon duo sent their warriors Chanda and Munda with a host. A growl of Gauri blew away the demon host. She grabbed the fleeing Chanda and Munda and killed them. For killing Dhoomralochana, Devi got the epithet of ‘Dhoomravati’ and for slaying Chanda – Munda she gained the adjective name of ‘Chandika’.
Then, demon lords sent Raktabeeja demon to teach a lesson to the irrepressible Gauri. The every drop of blood of that demon fallen on ground could produce another demon like him. It created a problem for Gauri. To counter it Gauri produced many dark manifestations of her called Kaalis who drank the blood of Raktabeeja by collecting it in coconut shells to prevent its being spilled on the ground. Thus Gauri was able to slay demon Raktabeeja. Now Shumbha and Nishumbha had to come to the battle.
The demon duo again tried to entreat her to stop battling and marry them to make them her slaves for ever. Gauri challenged them to defeat her in battle if they were real men and prove that they were worth marrying. To impress their lords, warriors came forward to challenge Gauri who rained arrows at them killing most of them and making the rest fall back. Shumbha was dismayed, Nishumbha moved forward and spoke – “O beauty, why should you kill our poor soldiers with arrows when you can kill us with your one askance glance?” Gauri gave him a treat of a volley of her deadly arrows. Nishumbha had to engage in a battle with her. Devi Gauri’s arrows destroyed all his demonic weapons and then felled him to ground as Shumbha watched in shock.
The death of his brother angered Shumbha and he moved forward to challenge Gauri. Finding him in front of her made her let out great roar that sounded like a thunder clap followed by a rumble. It put scare into the demon host that trembled. Shumbha launched a fiery weapon on Gauri which the latter cut to pieces with her arrows. Then, Devi threw her glimmering trident at the demon that went through latter’s rib cage to protrude its dents from the back. The wounded Shumbha staggered towards his female foe with his sword raised. Gauri released her deadly chakra and beheaded the evil demon. The bulk of the demon collapsed the ground. Devi’s tiger devoured the dead demons.
The gods rained down flowers and sounded bugles and kettle drums to hail the victory of Goddess Gauri. The celestial rhapsodists sang her paeans.
Uma Manifests as Yaksharoopa
Once again yet another battle was fought by the gods and the demons against each other. This time the gods won and the defeated demons had to flee to the bottom world of Patala.
This victory was secured without seeking the help or blessings of The Trinity. It filled the hearts and the minds of the gods with arrogance. Big egos they grew. They got so overblown that they talked of nothing but their valour, endeavour, battle skills, courage, grit, will power, divinity, wisdom etc. The unmanifest power eternal, Uma felt the gods needed to be corrected and some sense put back into them. In the domain of the gods she mysteriously manifested in the form of a giant and radiant female figure of Yaksha. The gods saw it wondered who or what it was. No one had any idea. Yaksha herself did not bother to reveal anything deepening the enigma.
Mystified Indra sent Vayu, the wind god to find out who the intruder was. To Vayu’s query about her identity she did not reply and ask who he was. The wind god introduced himself and extolled his own divine powers of creating storms, tornadoes, typhoons etc. The Yaksharoopa put a straw on the ground and asked him to blow it away. Vayu used all his powers but the straw remained inert at its place. Yaksharoopa smiled mockingly. Embarrassed Vayu returned to Indra in defeat.
Then, Indra sent Agni, the fire god to investigate. When asked to introduce himself Agni boasted about his incendiary powers. Yaksharoopa again put straw in front of him and asked him to demonstrate his burning powers. Agni used all his powers but straw remained there unaffected. He too went back defeated. Indra sent other powerful gods to try their powers but all returned with long faces and bent heads.
It greatly surprised the celestial lord, Indra. He himself went to see the mysterious figure. But Yaksharoopa had vanished. He stood puzzled. Then, Saraswati, the goddess of knowledges whispered into his mind to use common sense to know who it could be? It was primordial Eternal Force! The truth suddenly dawned on Indra. He at once prayed to the Force Eternal. It manifested in form of Uma to speak,” Look, I am the divinity of Brahma,Vishnu and Mahesh. Even they are nothing without my grace. I provide to you all the powers you have that earn you victories. If I withdraw those powers all your gods will be reduced to nothing. So, you must not become self conceited. Humility should be your asset. One who grows ego he works his own downfall.”
Indra promised that he and other gods would never again fall pray to ego. He prayed for her grace.

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